Monday, January 25, 2010


One of our favorite all-time movies is the "Flim-Flam Man." If you haven't seen it in awhile or never, we suggest that you go out and rent it ASAP.

You may be asking yourself, what are we talking about, what is it that we are leading up to?

Have you read our local Tribune over the last few weeks or did you attend last Thursday's Council meeting?

There are several "red flag" issues that we want to present to our readers.
So, sit back grab a steaming hot cup of coffee and see what we have in store for you.

The first issue that got our attention big time was:

New Albany City Council In Need Of A Full Time Attorney?

" Since November, the council has been without legal representation after Stan Robinson stepped down as City Council Attorney."

If approved on three readings, the ordinance would establish a full-time City Council Attorney position to be paid $40,000 annually.

Here's where the "red flags came flying out" in our local newspaper.

Let's see if you agree:

* 'The Council Attorney would represent the body at regular meeting held by administrative boards such as Stormwater and Sewer Utilities, as well as the Board of Public Works and Safety and other committees."

* Councilman Bob Caesar, the sponsor of the ordinance said: "Their loyalty is to the nine members of the Council."

* "Caesar said the Council is divided in whether approving the money (for flood victims) would "open up a can of worms" for future legal action against the city."

* "We really need to be more forward thinking and not just reactionary," Caesar said.

Holy crab cakes, are you believing this shit?

Hey Caesar, were you reactionary when you voted yourself "healthcare" when other part time city employees don't get healthcare?

Our staff took several days to research this issue and attended the recent council meeting.

You will be shocked at what all we found out!

* Each New Albany Board selects and pays a salary for their own Attorney or they use the City Attorney, Shane Gibson.

So, why do we need to spend $40,000 for a full time City Council attorney when we only need $14,000 a year to pay a part-time attorney who also receives $11,000 a year contingency funds?
[Total equals $25,000. in the Council budget.]

Mr. Caesar, we would like to know if you were so concerned about opening a "can of worms" why did you and 7 council members "vote" for the $400,000 appropriation?

Who provided the legal advice to the Council to help you all make this $400,000 decision?

We here at Freedom Of Speech just love hearing from our readers and we wanted to share an interesting e-mail with you over the "City Council Attorney" issue.

It only gets better, wait until you read this:

January 21, 2010 @ 4:19 pm

(Citizen of New Albany):

I am the corporate counsel for the entire City of New Albany. In that capacity, I represent and advise all of the departments and boards which fall under the umbrella of the City. It is my office that makes the final legal decisions with respect to these departments and boards.

However, I do not represent the New Albany City Council as a body itself. My office has offered services to the City Council members which have been used sporadically throughout the 3 years.

I hope this answers your question.


Shane L. Gibson
New Albany City Attorney
311 Hauss Square, Rm. 316
New Albany, IN 47150
Telephone: 812-948-5333
Fax: 812-948-1596

If we have the correct information, Mr. Gibson is paid $150,00 by the city.

Freedom Of Speech would like to say:

The Citizens of New Albany deserve a better Council and an Administration that is accountable to the taxpayers.

We challenge our local newspaper and 9 council members to check this out.

Someone is not doing the job we are paying them to do!

Is this a "Gotcha moment" or just a "Flim Flam Man" wanting to appoint someone as Council Attorney as a political favor or who has a personal agenda and lots to gain from this?

We encourage all of our readers to e-mail or contact our 9 council members and ask then "What in the hell is going on here!"

Ask them who do they work for: Mayor England, our us citizens.

This is NOT just nickels and dimes...taxpayers, it's your money!

Footnote: "If you thought this was good wait until you see what else we have in store for New Albany's "Flim-Flam Part 2."