Wednesday, January 20, 2010


Don't let anyone convince you that Scott Brown's victory in Mass. isn't anything but monumental. This is a bodyblow to Obama, Pelosi and Reid. agenda and a repudiation of of the course on which the President has put our nation.

At the same time, beware those Republicans who claim this victory as theirs.

Until a few weeks ago the RNC wasn't even really dialing into what was happening in Massachusetts.

It wasn't so long ago when certain GOP elites were quietly turning their noses up at the raw raucous energy of the Tea Parties. Make no mistake about it--were it not for the tea parties and townhall events of last summer, healthcare would have passed long ago and you probably would have never heard of Scott Brown.

He saw an opportunity, respected the will of the people and ran a great campaign--a classic American success story.

Now it's time to roll up our sleeves and take back our power from the other political frauds who are destroying what we love about America.

Congrats to Sen. Scott Brown and to all you across the country who helped him!