Tuesday, January 19, 2010


Who ever thought they'd have to put well over a million dollars or more into a state like Massachusetts, particularly when they're looking ahead at competitive midterms?

They really underestimated the intensity of the voters in this race, and they underestimated the potency of the health care issue.

The polls showed 51 percent of likely voters opposed the health care bill, and 61 percent worried that the country can't afford it!

The fact the race is sooo competitive at this late date must have Democrats scared to death and despite Barney Frank's "ridiculous" claim.

We suspect Democrats have the SEIU and ACORN hard at work.

Candidate Brown stated it best when he said:

"It's not Ted Kennedy's seat. It's not the Democrats seat. It's the people's seat!"

Brown has promised to be the 41 vote AGAINST Obamacare. Clearly the entire Obama administration has to know the Obama Presidency very well will sink or swim on this election!