Sunday, February 28, 2010


Tribune, Friday, Feb. 26, 2010, Page A-4 Sewer article:

"Declining revenue in the utility has been blamed for the need for the rate hike. As the city has failed to meet it's obligation with the State Revolving Loan Fund Program."

The city recently took the collections of sewer billing from Indiana American Water.

Our city bought "expensive computer systems" for the City Sewer Department to take over collections of sewer bills.

The city gave big salary raises to the Sewer Department employees for "in house sewer billing!"

* Who is not paying their sewer bills?

* Homeowners or businesses, or both?

* Why are these bills not being collected?

* Why should we pay if others are not paying?

* How many dollars remain uncollected?

This unpaid list is a public matter.

Why hasn't the England Administration been honest with us?

The city should run a public report in the Tribune with a list of the "UNPAID" sewer bills!

* Where is our $150,000 City Attorney, Shane Gibson?

* Where is our "high paid" Sewer Board Attorney?

BTW, guess how much "money" our new Sewer & Stormwater Attorney Fifer is getting paid?

"Fifer shall be appointed as attorney for the New Albany Sewer Board and the New Albany Stormwater Board effective January 26, 2010. Fifer shall be paid a retainer fee of Two Thousand Five Hundred Dollars ($2,500.00) per month, which retainer shall fully compensate Fifer for the first ten (10) hours of legal work and an hourly rate of One Hundred and Fifty Dollars ($150.00) for any work performed in excess of ten (10) hours per month. In the event that the New Albany Sewer Utility or the New Albany Stormwater Board issues any bond financing for the benefit of either such utility, Fifer shall be paid additional compensation."

See what happens when you do your homework, Mr. Baylor!

Our final thoughts:

We need to demand a public list of names of the property owners with delinquent sewers printed in our local newspaper as "Deadbeat Sewer Customers." The Mayor and our City Attorney need to get busy and do the job us rate payers are paying them to do.

We also need OUR Sewer and Stormwater utility books audited!

Where's our "sewer money" Mayor England?

Friday, February 26, 2010


Regardless of the attempt by Obama and the Progressive Democrats to paint the "summit" as a gesture of bipartisanship, nobody is falling for it.
The arrogance of Obama, the liberals and progressives was on display for all to see.

Americans are fed up with Obama and the Dems, and this "summit" further reveals how deaf they are to the "will of the people!"

It is blindingly obvious that Obama still believes all he need do is stay in campaign mode for this "bogus reform" and continue to tell America what they think and all will be well in Obama Socialist Land.

Ryan, Pence, Coburn, Brasso, even McCain and a few others did an excellent job.

We were amazed that Obama differed with Sen. McConnell when Sen. McConnell said approximately. "We've been talking for a while now and the Republicans have spoken for 27 minutes and the Democrats for 56".

Mr. Obama, immediately felt the need to defend with, "uh, I don't think that's right."

Well of course not Sir, ... that was you talking, stalling and falling, again and again.

You know Hillary had to be watching from her State Department office laughing her ass off!

We'd put our pay checks on that one.

Only an ideologue, categorically convinced of the superiority and righteousness of Obama's cause, can be so unabashedly angry that his agenda has been decisively, if temporarily, thwarted by the will of the people.

Unfortunately, retrenchment is one of the principal instinctive reflexes, integral to the arsenal of survival strategies for a hardcore ideologue "sympathetic toward the general aims of Marxian socialism."

The contempt for "we the people" which he exhibited and articulated during the campaign and validated at the State of the Union can propel him to let his ideology determine the vector of his policies regardless of the consequences to the United States Citizens of America.

It becomes more and more evident every day that the Radical Left Obama Administration is absolutely disconnected from reality.

They just don't get it!

They plow ahead trashing the Constitution and stomping down on the backs of the necks of every citizen with every step.

The measures of Obama's failure yesterday include: 1) The Dems still own the reform 100% 2) Sweeping health care reform is still a need only in the heads of Democrats. From the outset 80% of us were generally satisfied with our health care. We still are. 3) The Dems still have not arrived at a solid figure on the number of "uninsured." As we recall Obama used the figure 30 million yesterday. That number has been up, down and sideways for at least a year now. It is fundamental because if you can't define a problem you cannot solve it. 4) The Dems are still playing the "emergency, crisis cards."

Think about this:

If you are having a heart attack, the only apparent bipartisan thing to happen recently. you don't call for medical help to come four years or more from now while you write checks for the ambulance, EMT, defibrillator, nitroglycerin pills and etc. Everything is NOT a crisis or emergency as Obama, Reid, Pelosi and their minions have claimed for over a year now. 5) A central argument of the Dems is that this government program will lower the deficit. That does not meet any common sense test. That theory simply does not fly. Anyone who believes that is simply plain stupid or so used to lying to themselves it has become easy for them to do so. 6) Threat is a persuasive technique but in par with waterboarding. Obama, as his habit, ended up yesterday threatening.

In essence he said either say we agree in a bipartisan way or we will ram this down your throats!

He then noted correctly that's why we have elections.

We all have sad stories of one kind or another, like losing one-half of our billion dollars in the stock market.

We are still trying to figure out how employer-provided health care can help people who don't have jobs!

Obama and his clearly have the cart before the donkey on that one.

This is the real world, Obama. This is NOT the Far Left Bubble you were raised and trained in. This is not the back streets of Chicago where your dreamland agenda was followed lavishly.

You can bet your last dollar that Obama will deploy all the tools at his disposal to get ObamaCare enacted into law.

Should this sleazy bunch succeed in ramming through this horror show of legislation, the public furor will include demanding immediate repeal.

This, of course, after voting out everyone who has a hand in passing this monstrosity.

Our final thought:

If we were Senator Evan Bayh, this would be our postition. We would march into Obama's office and tell him: I do not have the medical care expertise to effectively manage a single health clinic, much less than entire medical industry in the United States. What we do have the experetise in the Senate to do however is to roll-back many of the laws, regulations and restrictions that were put in place by prior politicians who also had "plans" for running things they knew absolutely nothing about - that are the primary causes of most of the problems with medical care today. That's what we can and should do...Mr. President!


"the citizens of Indiana don't want bigger government, they want smaller government!"

Wednesday, February 24, 2010


Democrats have already paid a political price for tackling health reform at a time voters are hurting from the recession, anxious about the economy and wary of new government initiatives.

The question, at this point, is whether Republicans will be able to toss in allegations of gutlessness and incompetence.

Do you really think Americans want to spend a trillion dollars to cover maybe 5% of the people who don't have health coverage?

During the sixties we were told about all the children going hungry and homeless. That brought us welfare, food stamps and public housing. After nearly 50 years what it really brought us was obesity, rampant drug use and 3 generations of welfare recipients.

You pushed for more money for our cities with something called urban renewal. If you have some free time take a drive to Detroit, Newark, New Orleans and Gary Indiana, and see how that works!

We can't for the life of us understand how anyone can advocate pushing this monstrosity through anymore.

It makes zero sense, economically or politically.

First, we CANNOT afford yet another massive entitlement program on top of our already unsustainable debt. The HCR bill reforms doesn't lower costs; it doesn't create competition; it doesn't include torte reform; it contains an unconstitutional mandate; it will create a shortage of doctors; it will lower the quality of health care for every American.

Like everything else Obama and this Congress has done, it merely redistributes wealth, lines the pockets of special interests, growing the government and our debt, and violates our Constitution!

Second, the people have weighted in on the matter through town halls, tea parties, marches, rallies and elections.

We've tried to get the point across to our elected officials in numerous ways including those above, plus phone calls & faxes.

How do rational people come to the conclusion that a central government is capable of managing the lives of 300 million people better than those people can?

We, the American People - are Tired of it All!

Vote them all out.

Monday, February 22, 2010


Our sources downtown notified us that the NAPD is backing out of the "forensic audit." Seems like they are more interested in getting what they want (5 new police officers and over-time) than getting to the bottom of our financial problem.

Is this a game of chicken?

"Absolutely!!!!!!! "

Looks like...Mr. Mayor, doesn't want anyone to see the books!?!

As we have stated before: "Same ole shit, just a different year!"

Freedom Of Speech would like to say:

Now it's up to us rate payers and taxpayers to force them to open the books!

Sunday, February 21, 2010


Contact all the Council Members below:

Council President John Gonder at: 944-3121
Councilman Pat McLaughlin at: 949-9140
Councilman Kevin Zurschmiede at: 945-7827
Councilwoman Diane Benedetti at: 945-6240
Councilman Jeff Gahan at: 949-9314
Councilman Steve Price at: 941-9032
Councilman Robert Caesar at: 945-8744
Councilman Jack Messer at: 949-9638
Councilman Dan Coffey at: 949-1262

If you have had enough of England's lies over OUR Sewers.

Let all these Council members know "You are mad as HELL and WON'T take it anymore!"

Tell them to "Use OUR EDIT $$$$$$$" and "let's OPEN the Sewer Books!"


Contact Mr. Mayor @ 948-5333 or email: and Controller Garry & 948-5333 or email kgarry@cityofnewalbany ask them both one simple question:

Where's the money?????

Monday, February 15, 2010


Our sources in Washington state, Indiana Senator Evan Bayh will NOT seek Re-Election. He currently has a 20% lead over former Rep. Senator Coats and a $13 million war chest.

Could Senator Bayh be thinking of running for President or for Governor of Indiana in 2011?

Freedom Of Speech would like to say:

We applaud Senator Bayh and all other good Democrats who have figured it out and are taking action not to support this failed Presidency.

At least Evan Bayh was not a Kool - aid drinking blind follower of the so called anointed one.

2010 and 2011 could become very interesting!

Sunday, February 14, 2010


Happy Valentine's Day to all our faithful readers!

Whether you have a special someone with whom to celebrate today or whether you just are a special someone, we wish you a Happy Valentine's Day.

Freedom Of Speech Staff

Tuesday, February 9, 2010


Mayor England has stated he "does not borrow from our Sewer Fund!"

Well, that's not what John Skomp of Crowe Horthwath Report says:

Statement of Receipts and Disbursements of September 30, 2009:

New Albany Municipal Sewage works:

Tap-In and Drainage Fees...$244,210

EDIT (1) Transfer Required
by Ordinance.....................$1,645,000

EDIT (1) Transfer-

TIF (2) Reimbursement......$----------

Stormwater Collections and

General Fund Transfer
for Payroll........................$20,000

Proceeds from 2007 BAN...$1,183,686

Sanitation Interest............$----------

Debt Service Reserve

Escrow Release................$56,572

Interest Income...............$8,959

Total Other Receipts........$4,274,797

Other Disbursements:

Transfer to Stormwater

*Loan to General Fund........$70,000

Right of Way.....................$98,067

Sewer Renovation.............$1,381,094

Capital Leases...................$---------

Transfer to Bank of
New York.........................$795,205

Transfer to Bond and
Interest Fund...................$5.00

Principal and Interest

Registrar and Paying
Agent Fees.......................$7,677

Cost of Issuance on

Interest Expense.............$105,729

Total Other

Net Receipts..................-$210,538

(1) Economic Development Income Tax (EDIT)

(2) Tax Increment Financing (TIF)

Source: John Skomp, Crowe Horthwath

Freedom Of Speech would like to say: "You can't argue with the facts...Mayor England!"

Is this what he means, when he says: the sewer, police and fire is under funded?

Sunday, February 7, 2010


Well, even though our Cowboys didn't make it. We are looking forward to the Super Bowl - for the commercials.

We are sure we are not alone in our excitement.

This year, a few of the reported purchasers of ad time include:

*Anheuser-Busch bought the most airtime and is the "exclusive beer brewer" for Super Bowl advertising

*, who last year, in our opinion, had one of the best ads of all time.

* Dr. Pepper, a first-timer to the Super Bowl, whose commercial is reported to include the band KISS.

One of our picks for favorite commerical "E-Trade!"

"Go COLTS Go!"

Our prediction: 31-27

Thursday, February 4, 2010


There has been much discussion on THE GOVERNMENT and the separation of power, we submit that there is a fourth power of Government which is overlooked by most Americans.

We the people, is the fourth branch of Government, and it is more powerful than the other three!

The problem, and it is a great problem the American people have been duped, mesmerized, lied to, threatened, and killed when they have tried to evoke their rights on a Government that abuses it's privileges.

In the Declaration of Independence the Founding Fathers in their wisdom understood this, and they understood a weakness in the populous.

We present to you an excerpt from The Declaration of Independence:

Prudence, indeed, will dictate the Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes, and accordingly all experience hath shown that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed.

But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government and to provide new guards for their security.

Such has been the patient sufferance of these Colonies.

We add; Such has been the patient sufferance of these United States!

We need to heed these words! These words layed the ground work for establishing the Forth Power of Government.

We the People!

What say you?

Tuesday, February 2, 2010


Politicians believe laws and rules [even the U.S. Constitution] applies to the rest of us but not to them.

Case in point: Speaker Nancy Pelosi and her excessive and boorish demands for military travel.

Documents obtained under the Freedom Of Information Act show Pelosi incurred expenses of some $2.1 million for her use of Air Force jets for travel over the last two years and us taxpayer's pay $101,429.14 for Pelosi's in-flight "food and booze."

That's almost $1,000 per week.

Might we ask why the taxpayer is footing the bill for food and alcohol for members of Congress? Don't they already make enough that they can afford their own food and booze?

Pelosi travels back to San Francisco at least one weekend every month. How much is that costing our country in aircraft fuel, lodging/food for the air crew, pilot's salaries, maintenance on the aircraft, and etc?

Also we would like to know how many illegals her husband uses in his wineries and if they have health insurance paid for.

Why hasn't this made the national news. Talk about waste and she wants us to accept her health care plan that she does not have to be in. This goes to her retirement as well.

We don't understand how she keeps getting elected.

At least with Brown 41 being elected in a state that has been Democratic for over 50 years should have people thinking about what they are trying to ram down our throats.

We wonder if we taxpayers are paying for her "botox" injections?