Wednesday, February 24, 2010


Democrats have already paid a political price for tackling health reform at a time voters are hurting from the recession, anxious about the economy and wary of new government initiatives.

The question, at this point, is whether Republicans will be able to toss in allegations of gutlessness and incompetence.

Do you really think Americans want to spend a trillion dollars to cover maybe 5% of the people who don't have health coverage?

During the sixties we were told about all the children going hungry and homeless. That brought us welfare, food stamps and public housing. After nearly 50 years what it really brought us was obesity, rampant drug use and 3 generations of welfare recipients.

You pushed for more money for our cities with something called urban renewal. If you have some free time take a drive to Detroit, Newark, New Orleans and Gary Indiana, and see how that works!

We can't for the life of us understand how anyone can advocate pushing this monstrosity through anymore.

It makes zero sense, economically or politically.

First, we CANNOT afford yet another massive entitlement program on top of our already unsustainable debt. The HCR bill reforms doesn't lower costs; it doesn't create competition; it doesn't include torte reform; it contains an unconstitutional mandate; it will create a shortage of doctors; it will lower the quality of health care for every American.

Like everything else Obama and this Congress has done, it merely redistributes wealth, lines the pockets of special interests, growing the government and our debt, and violates our Constitution!

Second, the people have weighted in on the matter through town halls, tea parties, marches, rallies and elections.

We've tried to get the point across to our elected officials in numerous ways including those above, plus phone calls & faxes.

How do rational people come to the conclusion that a central government is capable of managing the lives of 300 million people better than those people can?

We, the American People - are Tired of it All!

Vote them all out.