Friday, January 22, 2010


A year ago, Obama was the most charismatic politician on earth. Today the thrill is gone, the doubts growing -- even among believers.

Obama and his cronies have underestimated how people, who are use to freedom, will react when freedom is jeopardized.

His agenda of taking over the private sector has frightened Americans into action, and his weak national security performance has just plain frightened Americans.

Has the public noticed how the media commentators, radio and TV, just love using the word "unsustainable" when discussing or debating government policies or spending?

Government politicians can lie to some of the people all of the time, all of the people some of the time. But they CAN'T LIE to all of the people all of the time.

What you should be concerned about, who is really running the White House?

Jarrett, Emanuel, Axelrod, Soros, Czars et al and the elitist.

What are these busy bee's doing inside that trojan horse, while everyone has their eye on Obama?

We have communist, socialist in our White House, dismantling our country!

We are a nation in distress. We have been hijacked by a group of elitist who have set the stage, their time has come, you fell right into it.

Yes, they are intentionally, manufacturing this crisis, on all levels.

Saul Alinsky, Cloward Piven, google it...if you don't believe us!

Approx. 2 million American, Tax paying citizens, Marched on DC, peacefully to be heard.

Obama left town.

A handful of Union leaders show up, get an audience, the end result being, We the People get stuck with the "cadillac" health care bill via more taxation.

The problem with the Stimulus is that the money was not spent on improving the infrastructure. Everyone uses bridges, roads, and sewer systems.

Obama's punishment of the banks, who despite their actually paying back the money to the American taxpayer, with interest, for the role they played in the Housing Bubble Crisis is not "regulation" it's unconstitutional.

The fact that the Auto Industry and Fannie & Freddie are exempt from these new taxes is massive hypocrisy on an unprecedented scale. Fannie & Freddie and the Auto Industry DID NOT pay back their loans from the taxpayers and not one word of criticism was leveled from the Obama administration at them for handing out bonus.

To single out particular companies or individuals to be taxed, especially in a punitive manner is known as a Bill of Attainder and is strictly forbidden by the Constitution of the United States, Article 1, Section 9, paragraph 3.

The fact that the Democrats are going out of their way to create a narrative that it was Wall Street [and ONLY Wall Street] and lack of regulation that was responsible for the economic crisis is not only unethical but it is criminal.

This is an outrage!

Why these people are allowed to continue destroying this great nation, is a travesty and beyond belief.

Why no one has stopped it, is incomprehensible.

The real problem with Obama and this congress is the blant disregard for the laws of our land, specifically our Constitution for the United States.

The bottom line is this:

If we ARE a federal republic based on law, then almost everything Obama and Congress is doing is against the law, and we have a legitimate reason for referring to this administration and this congress as outlaws - because that's what they are!

Our final thoughts:

Obama blamed the loss of the Massachusetts Senate seat on Bush. He said, "the loss of the Senate seat isn't just concern over anything that's happened in the past year, but it's anger over what's happened the last 8 years."

The election was a referendum on Obama. on health care reform, and the Democrats underestimated the public's anger over the economy, and the plain old arrogance in Washington.

Point the finger at "Change you can believe in!" with no transparency, the public buting-off of key Senators and a rush to process this hugh bill with no time for public education and discourse.

"We the People" recognize snake-oil when we see it. The democrats have no one to blame but themselves and their "snake oil" salesman of a leader.

Come join Freedom Of Speech on April 15, 2010, March on the White House!